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EVENT CANCELLATION: Tewkesbury Classic Vehicle Festival

  • 2022

We are devastated to have to announce that the Tewkesbury Classic Vehicle Festival has been cancelled for 2022.

The organising team have released the following statement:

It is with with deep regret and heavy hearts we announce that this year’s Tewkesbury Classic Vehicle Festival has been cancelled. After 12 years of welcoming every classic, manufactured from the beginning of the last century to those vehicles of particular interest with the most advanced technology and engineering of today and welcoming thousands of visitors to Tewkesbury, the show has got bigger and bigger year on year, meaning more and more input to maintain it’s success in it’s current format. We have spent many hours meticulously putting things in place and deliberating over the best way forward, but in reality we are seeing escalating costs to deliver the show safely and successfully, whilst making it compliant to meet mandatory obligations, such as Health and Safety and Public Liability and event licensing combined with the huge amount of effort and time involved to make it happen with a very small team of people behind the scenes!

For those of you who have already bought tickets as a visitor or exhibitor, you will be fully refunded by The Everyman Theatre in the same format in which your ticket was paid. Traders, you will be refunded from The CVF directly in due course. Any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us by email, via the CVF website, or Facebook p.m.

We would like to thank everyone who has visited past shows, but especially to all of our supporters, traders, exhibitors, volunteers, visitors, Emergency Services, VIP’s, marshalls, helpers, sponsors, performers, artists and fellow Rotarians, for supporting the CVF in all it’s formats over the years. Your assistance has been completely unwavering, enabling Tewkesbury Rotary Club to raise funds and give thousands in charitable payments to local good causes, emergency appeals, help where it is needed and other events for the people of Tewkesbury to enjoy. We hope one day we can to do it all over again, maybe not in the same format, but with the same flavour of The CVF at it’s best. Thank you.

This means we are unlikely to be visiting Tewksbury this year, and will endeavour to find our way south as soon as possible.
In the meantime please visit our events page to see where we will be trading for the rest of the year; hopefully you will be able to join us along our journey somewhere soon.

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