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Royal Welsh Show

Mon18JulAll DayThu21Royal Welsh Show Attended ByTeam South WestRegionWalesEvent TypeCountry Show

Event Details

The pinnacle event in the British agricultural calendar, the Royal Welsh Show…

Along with an exciting four-days of livestock and equine competitions, with entries travelling from far and wide to compete, the Royal Welsh Show has something to interest everyone through its wide range of activities including forestry, horticulture, crafts, countryside sports, shopping, food and drink and a 12-hour programme each day of exciting entertainment, attractions and displays.

Prif ddigwyddiad calendr amaethyddol Cymru, Sioe Frenhinol Cymru…

Yn ogystal â phedwar diwrnod cyffrous o gystadlaethau dangos da byw, â chystadleuwyr yn teithio o fannau pell ac agos i gystadlu, mae gan y sioe rywbeth o ddiddordeb i bawb, diolch i’w hamrywiaeth eang o weithgareddau yn cynnwys coedwigaeth, crefftau, chwaraeon cefn gwlad, siopa, bwyd a diod, a rhaglen 12 awr bob dydd o adloniant, atyniadau ac arddangosiadau cyffrous.


18 July 2022 - 21 July 2022 (All Day)


Royal Welsh Showground

Llanelwedd, Builth Wells, LD2 3SY

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Attended By

Team South West

Norma & Kevin Lovell

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