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WW1 Suffolk Regiment Sweetheart Brooch


This is a WW1 Suffolk Regiment Sweetheart Brooch, made from mother of pearl with a gilt and enamel badge mounted to the fore.

The brooch is in well loved condition, with limited wear to a small area of the enamel, but significant wear to the metalwork.
The original double coiled joint pin fitting is still intact a largely rust free.

The brooch measures 2.8cm in diameter.

The Suffolk Regiment served with great distinction in the First World War, earning two Victoria Crosses for Corporal Sidney James Day & Sergeant Arthur Frederick Saunders alongside an extensive list of Battle Honours:
Mons, Le Cateau, Retreat from Mons, Marne 1914, Aisne 1914, La Bassée 1914, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, Ypres 1915 ’17 ’18, Gravenstafel, St Julien, Frezenberg, Bellewaarde, Aubers, Hooge 1915, Loos, Somme 1916 ’18, Albert 1916 ’18, Bazentin, Delville Wood, Pozières, Flers-Courcelette, Morval, Thiepval, Le Transloy, Ancre Heights, Ancre 1916 ’18, Arras 1917 ’18, Scarpe 1917 ’18, Arleux, Pilckem, Langemarck 1917, Menin Road, Polygon Wood, Poelcappelle, Passchendaele, Cambrai 1917 ’18, Saint-Quentin, Bapaume 1918, Lys, Estaires, Messines 1918, Hazebrouck, Bailleul, Kemmel, Béthune, Scherpenberg, Amiens, Hindenburg Line, Épéhy, Canal du Nord, Courtrai, Selle, Valenciennes, Sambre, France and Flanders 1914–18, Struma, Doiran 1918, Macedonia 1915–18, Suvla, Landing at Suvla, Scimitar Hill, Gallipoli 1915, Egypt 1915-17, Gaza, El Mughar, Nebi Samwil, Jerusalem, Tell ‘Asur, Battle of Megiddo 1918, Sharon, Palestine 1917-18

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